Botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of laryngeal dystonia: a single-center experience
larynx, neurology, dystonia, toxin, videolaryngostroboscopyAbstract
Aim. The aim of this study was the analysis of the problem of laryngeal dystonia in patients of Otolaryngology and Neurology Clinics to assess the efficiency of effects of Botulin Toxin type A (BOTOXtm) injections on voice quality and function of vocal cords with the use of videolaryngostroboscopic and laryngographic examinations, GRBAS (G - grade of hoarseness, R - roughness, B - breathiness, A – aesthenia, S -strain) scale and voice field.
Material and methods. Between 2020 and 2022 a total of 50 patients with laryngeal dystonia were examined. The videolaryngostroboscopic and laryngographic examinations confirmed laryngeal dystonia. Afterwards the patients undertook Botulinum Toxin type A injections into the thyro-arythenoid muscle.
Results. Control examinations confirmed the improvement of vocal folds movability and the decrease in number of irregular vocal folds vibrations. The next injection of BOTOXtm substance was done 3-6 months after the last injection.
Conclusion. The results of our study suggest that although BOTOXtm toxin still remains the main form of treatment for laryngeal dystonia, using it improves phonatory function of larynx (as proven by videolaryngostroboscopic examination).
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