Institutions of health’s care. Aspects European and judicial


  • Piotr Stępniak Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland



European Union, justice, medico-social institutions, convicts’ health care


Present paper is then a part of a trend to find the premises for the theory’s construction. I will try to combine the point of view presented by social sciences, criminology and medical sciences, what will become a starting point for analysis and in further perspective – for research on some theoretical models.


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Preis en charge Medici-psycho-socjale, Le Comede. Comite Medical pour les Exiles. Hopital de Bicetre, Le Cremlin-Bicetre. Ministere des Solidarites, de la Sante et de la Famille.

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Machel H. See: op. cit., pp. 234–241.

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Edgy penal populism was seen in Poland during ruling of Jarosław Kaczyński (2005–2007).

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For recommendations for mentioned services check already cited in footnote no. 6: Prise en charge Medici – psycho – socjale... See also a guide for released convicts: Le guide du sortant de prison…, pp. 254 0 275 „Le suivi medical. Le suivi psychiatrique”.

The bill from 27 July 2001 on probation officers, Dz. U. Nr 98, poz. 107 with further changes do not stipulate its creating.

For details see my paper: Środowisko otwarte jako alternatywa dla więzienia. Z doświadczeń francuskich. Poznań 1997.






Review Papers

How to Cite

Stępniak P. Institutions of health’s care. Aspects European and judicial. JMS [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];84(4):257-63. Available from: